My dear students,
CCA School strives to equip you with quality education and skills which will help you to become successful global citizens who contribute to a peaceful sustainable future.
We at CCA along with education enable you to participate and succeed in a variety of intellectual and physical activities in a creative manner. We encourage you to explore all the opportunities the school offers. You may succeed in most, excel in some and few will stay with you life long as a hobby or career choice.
You are fortunate to be learning in these progressive times where intellectual and geographical borders are complemented with good school education and parent-teacher support to help you realize your dreams.
CCA family wishes you to be good leaders and role models, have courage, be confident, stay upright, have compassion for fellow beings and above all, stay patriotic.
Blessings always for your good health, success, happiness and prosperity.
Lots of love,
Mrs. Nirmal Yadav
Director Principal